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Cannabis Impaired Driving: High Consequences

It is important to understand the consequences of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis. Driving high can have many serious effects on your life and imposed penalties for driving high can include your license being suspended, your vehicle being impounded, financial penalties, the possibility of jail time as well as acquiring a criminal record.

Many challenges can be associated with driving under the influence of cannabis which include your judgement and ability to react while driving, inability to concentrate, as well as the increased risk of injury and death posed to yourself and others from impaired driving.

Police officers are now equipped with the proper tools to administer drug screening tests on the spot to determine if a suspected driver is under the influence of drugs, and what the level of THC is found to be in a suspected driver within two hours of driving. Penalties for drivers caught under the influence of 2ng/ml but less than 5ng/ml of THC in their blood can receive fines up to $1000. More than 5ng/ml of THC in their blood, drivers can expect a $1,000 fine plus possible jail time.

If found to be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis with alcohol or other drug substances, the criminal charges and penalties faced are increased. The consequences for driving under the influence of cannabis causing bodily harm or death range in penalties from 10 years in jail to life imprisonment.

It is also important to understand how to legally transport cannabis in Ontario. According to the parameters of the law, all cannabis containers must be stored out of reach from any passengers and drivers, and remain un-opened in the original cannabis packaging, while being transported. It remains illegal to transport cannabis across the Canadian border.

It is important to understand the risks and penalties associated with driving high and being under the influence of cannabis. Impaired driving can lead to serious consequences including bodily injury and death. Consider ride share options, public transportation, and designated drivers in the future to protect yourself from negative consequences of driving under the influence.

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